Wednesday 2 March 2016

Turmeric May Protect The Brain Against Fluoride Toxicity

Australia is one of the (un)"lucky" countries where the government thinks they have the right to decide for us that we should be drinking fluoridated water. While there are ways to take back control (filters, fluoride-free toothpaste, tanks etc.), it is always best to have an insurance policy of sorts against the damaging effects of fluoride.

One such substance that can protect us against fluoride is the much-researched turmeric, more specifically, the "main" (widely-researched) component of turmeric known as curcumin. Why is this so important? Well, the authors of this study cite reports of cancers and damage to the neurological, cardiovascular and reproductive systems as a result of fluoride exposure. The major mechanisms behind the destructive effects of fluoride on the nervous system are oxidative stress and excitotoxicity, where neurons are fatally overstimulated. Fluoride was found to affect the fatty acid composition of the brain, as oxidative stress caused a decrease in the type of fat called phospholipids. Curcumin, on the other hand, is able to directly fight the free radicals that cause oxidative stress, as well as increase levels of glutathione, which is an antioxidant produced by the body (and very important among anti-aging circles). In this study, curcumin was found to partially prevent fluoride-induced increases in malondialdehyde, which is a marker for oxidative stress, as well as increase the viability of neurons exposed to fluoride. However, it did not offer full protection, as the level of fluoride administered to the rats was extremely high at 120ppm; only a level of 1ppm is forced on us here if I remember correctly. Tamarind is also protective against fluoride, as it can increase urinary excretion. In this small study (18 boys in a social welfare home), consuming ten grams of tamarind daily resulted in a significant increase in the rate of fluoride excretion from 3.5mg per day to 4.8mg per day, while there was a decreased excretion of magnesium and zinc. Magnesium excretion dropped from around 23mg to 7mg daily, and zinc loss dropped from around 332 to 253 micrograms per day.

If possible, because the effective ones are expensive, I do still recommend the use of filters because of the other contaminants that can be found in tap water, but remineralisation is essential. The processes of diffusion and osmosis mean that pure water can draw out minerals from places such as, well, you. When looking for a fluoride-free toothpaste, it should have a high mineral content and contain antibacterial oils or herbal extracts, such as tee tree oil or peppermint oil (especially tee tree oil). Since I started using fluoride-free toothpaste, I may or may not bruise less easily now (fluoride may be damaging to collagen).

Regardless of how many ways there are to protect ourselves against fluoride, no one has the right to try to make decisions about our bodies for us. Visit for more information and updates; so far, there have been three victories this year.

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